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How Often Should I Update My Website?

How Often Should I Update My Website? post images

Written By : Georgia Gregory

Posted 14/11/2022

Worried your website's no longer cutting it? Maybe it's time for a refresh! We've put together some common signs we see customers suffering from before they decide to invest in a new website...

This is a common question that gets asked, and the answer to this can be different for everyone. Some websites need updating more often than others, and updates can range from small changes to full website redesigns. Typically, every few years, it’s time to review your existing site to see if any updates would be beneficial.

When you work with a website development agency like ours, getting frequent updates is made easy as you will have an expert team of designers and developers, giving you access to talent as and when you need it. But what about complete website redesigns and overhauls? How do you know when it’s time to hit the refresh button?

Here are some reasons you may need to consider getting a new website design:

Your website looks outdated

If you feel like your website is looking outdated and it no longer represents your brand or business effectively, it’s time for a website redesign. This is one of the main reasons people want to change their website, because visual appeal matters when it comes to making a good impression online.

Simply put, your website is your shop window or virtual headquarters. When people visit your site, they see it as a depiction of your organisation, your core values, and what you’re all about.

If your website is smart, professional-looking and loaded with useful information, your brand will be trusted and remembered, and people are more likely to visit your site again. If it’s been over two or three years since your last website update and it’s looking a little tired, a redesign could be in order.

Your website isn’t performing as you’d like

  • Is your website traffic not converting?
  • Are you getting high bounce rates and low time spent on site?
  • Are people not clicking on your different website pages?

Perhaps you’ve been let down by your previous web design agency, or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve worked with one. But if your website isn’t performing the way you want it to, a new website can help you reach your business goals.

This can be particularly common for our clients who have previously prioritised short-term cost savings over long-term investment in order to stick to a tight budget.

Your website isn’t mobile-friendly

There are now over 4.3 billion active mobile internet users worldwide – including over 90% of the UK population.

Mobile has tipped the balance against desktop, with more people now accessing the internet on their smartphones than ever before.

Not only do websites need to be mobile-friendly, but businesses will also need to consider the importance of apps as more and more users choose app-based shopping over mobile browsers.

If your website isn’t easy to navigate for mobile users, it’s very likely they will just go elsewhere. There’s never been a more important time to focus on user experience, and that includes across different devices.

It’s been a few years since you had a new website done

If it’s been many years since you had your website designed, it could be time for a refresh. A lot of things can change in a few years. Technology has moved on, with more and more devices that people are using to access the internet (not just laptops).

Since the pandemic, there has also been a huge shift in B2C and B2B customer behaviour, with people demanding more from brands in terms of customer experience.

Furthermore, there’s constant competition around, and as customers become more web-savvy, they are starting to be much pickier about who they shop with or do business with.

A website overhaul could improve traffic and conversion, increase engagement levels, help you attract new customers and retain existing ones who are waning in loyalty, and can even put you steps ahead of your competition.

You are updating your brand

Making changes to your brand? Whether you’re just doing a quick logo update or having a complete company rebrand, it’s vital that you have a website to match. Not only will a website redesign allow you to align your visual identity, but you can also work with your web development team to select the right features for usability.

This is also a great opportunity to improve your content marketing, discussing different ideas to help make your content stand out. By improving the content you have, you could position your company as thought leaders or experts, building trust and authority, and gaining respect from your target audience.

Plus, well-written content will give you the SEO boost you need – not only to increase traffic, but to attract relevant, high-converting traffic.

You want to increase sales/leads

Working with a website development team can give you the upper hand when it comes to making your website work harder. If your main goal is to grow sales or improve lead generation through your online presence, it’s essential you have a strategy in place.

A full-service web design agency can support you in providing the right recommendations across all areas of digital, and they can help you with content management and creation, search engine optimisation, demand and lead generation, digital campaigns, and more. They can also help you dig deeper into website metrics, meaning you’ll gain better insight into how your website is doing in terms of performance.

Well-designed e-commerce sites make it much easier for people to shop, while a considered B2B website ensures that prospects are able to access the information they need quickly. A website with good visual appeal will create a much better experience for visitors, encouraging them to come back again, which leads to repeat business and a greater promise of leads for your sales team.

Looking to redesign your website?

If it’s time for a refresh, get in touch with Identify Digital today. We are a digital marketing and web design agency with years of experience supporting businesses in the Yorkshire area and beyond.

In addition to website design and development, we can also help with app design, content management and creation, and digital marketing campaigns. Get in touch to find out more about our services and to chat all things web design!

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